
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Badger Minitaire Ghost Tints

Badger Minitaire Ghost Tints. They are also known as "Candies". They are basically translucent paints that you can use to lay on top of other colors or shades of grays to create some awesome effects.

These were originally something I used in a line called Freak Flex.  You can use it to make some really cool effects and to create some quick blending.  Here's a little more about the pallet explained in this video:

In my Ork skin video, you can see me use white primer and a black wash over it to create the shading layer to create some really nice skin tone.

Les from AwesomePaintJob did two great videos on it about how to easily paint Red and Yellow models using a 3 base coat tone base with an airbrush.

"I Hate Painting Yellow" can be seen here:

And his "I Hate Paint Red" video can be seen here:

Hugo from IchicbanPainting also did a GREAT video on how he use Ghost Tints to paint a cloak. Instant purple shading! Here's his "Color Blending with Candies" video:

There's tons of ways to use these tints.  I use them to make scorched barrel or smoke stack ends with these tints as it's perfect to create a realistic effect.  I would lay down some Brown and then some Oil Discharge.  The brown is laid down heavier than the oil discharge on top.  I carefully add one layer of oil discharge at a time over the brown until I'm satisfied with the effect.

The tints are also a great way to create a colorful sheen on top of metallic.  Use something like silver or chrome and lay down your favorite tint color and wha-la! It's akin to something like a paint job on a car.

Of course there are many other uses for it.  I have used it to simulate weathering on vehicles or blast marks on surfaces of model that's taken too many hits.  The uses are endless!

Sometimes when you lay down the tints, it gets glossy but since I matte coat my models at the end, it fixes the problem and of course, if you gloss coat your mini's - I don't know why you would! - then it wouldn't be a problem. ;)

So fellow readers, if you are interested, check out the Recommended Buys tab and see where you can pick up some Minitaire stuff!


  1. Alright, I've been hearing so many good things about these ghost tints, you've convinced me. I'll have to grab me a few of these to try out. But by god... that website is an absolute pain to add things to the cart. I've attempted a couple of times but I haven't the fortitude to complete my order, help me Chung!

  2. Hey Coyote!

    Give them a call is probably the best way to do it then. i know their website is a bit tough to navigate.


  3. Can these be thinned with plain water or will I require some form of medium?
